In the lead up to our event on 8th January we are running a crowdsourcing activity on Digital Narratives. We are building a set of ‘recipes’ on approaches people have taken to incorporating ‘the narrative’ in digital pedagogies.
Already there are examples on digital reflection, digital storytelling and story jumping. We could have millions of ideas in there so if you’re using blogging activities, eportfolios, digital feed forward methods, or… well if you’re doing anything share it!
Go into the Google Slides recipe file here.
Here are the instructions from the slide set:
If you are using or supporting the use of digital narratives in your practice share what you do on the following slides. Thankyou
What you need to do
Each slide in the slide deck contains information about a Digital Narrative technique that can be used by teachers or learners in higher education. The idea of ‘digital narrative’ is broad and will embrace any account in which digital or social media is used to record or present learning over time. We are looking for pedagogies that have a narrative dimension including the use of a blog, digital storytelling, e-portfolios, the use of social media like Storify, etc.. If you think it fits… then it fits!
Adding an idea requires you to add just enough information to convey the idea, but we hope you will provide a link to a blog post or other online resource if further detail is needed.
Make sure there is a fresh slide ready for the next person please (Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+P to paste the outline slide)