- Twalking as digital placemaking – a 10 minute screencast that explains the key ideas about the Twalk concept and how these support the concept of digital placemaking
Video interviews and reflections
Video reflections on the Sheffield Hallam experience
- Jeff Waldock reflects on the experience of the May 2017 twalk which focused on learning spaces: [duration 02:52]
Video reflections on the Regent’s experience:
- Leslie Viney, Regent’s University London talks about learning spaces July 2017: [duration 09:22] – [07:10] lack of interactivity in the Twalk; [07:57]Twalks with students.
- Peter Sharp, Regent’s University London talks about the various spaces they visited on the Twalk [duration 23:53], July 2017: – [17:00] How useful was the Twalk?
Blog posts
- Reflections on the Regent’s University London #Twalk
- Dom Pates (City University) discusses tips and issues of Twalks and how learning spaces support staff thinking about pedagogy:
- A series of blog posts on Tactile Learning by Andrew Middleton about Twalks
Storify records
- Learning to #Twalk Storify –
- Twitter Walk of City’s Learning Spaces –
- ALT Learning Spaces SIG twalk, September 2017
- #LIVUNITWALK – University of Liverpool twalk, December 2017
- #Twalkboundaries -‘Crossing Boundaries’ ALT Learning Spaces SIG twalk, September 2017
- #citytwalk –
- #SIGCLANS – the first #twalk, 31st May 2017