A Word In Your Ear conference site – a conference exploring the diversity of approaches being taken by early innovators in higher education demonstrated and discussed through 16 short papers, 12 posters, and 3 workshops. The findings from this research remain valid.
Sounds Good: Quicker, better assessment using audio feedback – A Jisc-funded project (2008-2009) in which 38 lecturers gave audio feedback to over 1,200 students at all levels. The site includes practical information, examples, and project findings.
Jisc – Media enhanced assessment, submission and feedback – brings together work it has supported to enhance effective assessment practice through the innovative use of technology and digital media.
Jisc ASSET: Moving Forward Through Feedback – ASSET will utilise the principles of social software to facilitate the development of new communities of learning between students and staff, which will support dialogue centred on the fundamental issue of what ‘good’ feedback/feed-forward actually means to both students and staff.
If you know of other useful projects or sites please contact Andrew Middleton – a.j.middleton ‘at’