Definitions for podcasting
Add and discuss definitions that you find useful. Please add citations where these definitions come from the literature.
Podcasting “The serial distribution of locally created downloadable digital media episodes, usually audio, via RSS feeds to niche audiences of subscribers.” This is a definition that I use in the Whirlwind Tours of Educational Podcasting that I often present at MELSIG events. This is quite a ‘correct’ technical definition for podcasting that recognises the particular use of the RSS feed as a main distribution method. (Andrew Middleton, May 2010)
“Downloadable asynchronous audio.” This is a more pragmatic definition that highlights the key characteristics of the medium and allows for a more creative exploration of its educational potential. It doesn’t explain who makes or uses it, or whether its educational value is found in listening or talking, but it firmly sets out the idea that the user’s access to the aural media is what is different and important about it. (Andrew Middleton, May 2010)
“…a series of episodes, linked by one syndication feed. New episodes may be automatically pushed to subscribers’ personal computers, freeing users from the need to check and manually download newly available content. Podcast episodes are downloaded to users’ computers (rather than streamed) and can be transferred to digital audio players, enabling mobile learning.” (Sutton-Brady, C., Scott, K.M. , Taylor, L., Carabetta, G.and Clark, S. 2009. The value of using short-format podcasts to enhance learning and teaching. ALT-J, 17: 3, 219 — 232)
“A digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player.” (Oxford University Press (2006) “Podcast” is the Word of the Year. Available online:, last accessed: 30/04/2010.)
See: Meng, P. (2005) Podcasting & vodcasting: Definitions, discussions & implications. A White paper by IAT Services at University of Missouri. Available online at:, Last accessed: 5/12/2005