Call for Examples of Good Practice

Participants at the MELSIG event later this month in Sheffield are building three online toolkits to share and inspire good innovative teaching practice with digital and social media. Have you experience and knowledge to share?

These open toolkits will focus on:

  • Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes
  • Social Media for Learning
  • Flipped Active & Blended learning (FAB)

Our participants need to hear about your innovative practice or that of people you know. Please contribute in the following ways:

  • Audio or video case studies – in less than 3 minutes, explain what you have done, the difference it has made to you or your students, and provide three tips for people who may want to follow in your footsteps.
  • FAQs – either good questions or good answers to common questions.
  • HowTo’s – explanations of how to make or teach with related media.
  • Recommended reading – literature, websites or anything you think may be useful.

The MELSIG toolkit building event takes place in Sheffield on 21 June. Though the event is now full, we are building a wait list and do expect a few places to become available.

Last year we created toolkits on audio feedback and Twitter Walks (#Twalks).

Please email with contributions. All contributions will be acknowledged in the toolkits and made available under an open licence.

Thank you in advance

Andrew Middleton (NTF), Chair of MELSIG

Event hashtag: #MELSIG_SHU