The course runs over five days online from 27th to 31st January 2014. We expect participants to spend between 1 and 3 hours on each of those days in the typical model, but the course can be adapted to fit to different schedules especially where a more blended approach is being taken.
1. Awareness – make sure your academic and support colleagues are aware of this CPD opportunity. Do they want to learn about Smart Learning and BYOD4L? Do they want to experience an innovative social learning environment?
2. Local Information and Support – if you have local information, support or initiatives in the area of smart learning and BYOD4L make sure they are prepared to support and build upon the momentum in this week. The BYOD4L course community will be generating plenty of artefacts this week too. Think about how you can tap into and contribute to this growing resource now and during the next year.
3. UKPSF – Discuss how BYOD4L maps to most activities, core knowledge and values of the UKPSF. BYOD4L is a good talking point, therefore, in discussions about the different flavours of CPD.
4. Blended – BYOD4L is a Collaborative Open Online Course (COOL). It’s pedagogy comes from social network and their collective experience and common learning. Facilitating local f2f events and peer enhancement activities will multiply the benefits of the experience for participants and their institutions.
5. Peer Supported Review – encourage the formation of local Peer Support Review, Peer Development, Peer Enhancement Groups on Smart Device Learning. There are opportunities for staff and students to learn about this together in a Students As Partners ethos – can you facilitate this?
6. Answer the call! – can you find someone to facilitate a local Special Interest Group this week? Contact MELSIG if you want further thoughts on facilitating the course locally.
7. Do it all later! – BYOD4L is available for you to run yourselves when it suits you under a Creative Commons attribution licence. Encourage one or two people to take part now so they can put your spin on it later.
8. PG Cert HE, PGCAP, MEds… – alert course leaders so they can suggest BYOD4L as a special project focus for students. Remember BYOD4L is more about disruptive pedagogy than technology. It addresses questions about learning and teaching spaces and how space affects innovative pedagogy.
9. Organise Hang Outs and webinars – run your own webinars leading up to, during or following on from BYOD4L. MELSIG will be running Google Hangouts each day to discuss the five key topics. But you could do this too to give the discussion that local focus.
10. Watch Twitter – surprise yourself about who at your institution is taking part anyway. Look out for colleagues who are asking for help and be ready to offer them the right, useful answers for your institution. For example, be ready to answer questions about ethics, social media policy, assessment methods, access to technology, institutional apps for learning, how to write case studies, etc.
Follow the course on Twitter@MELSIGUK
10 was never enough…! Please comment with further suggestions. Please let us know how you end up integrating BYOD4L in your own context (@MELSIGUK) #MELSIG #BYOD4L